Author: Neave Lin

  • Six Ways to Spruce Up Your Image

    When was the last time you took a long, hard look at your branding? What’s that? Branding is just for big corporations? Rubbish! It’s vital for ALL businesses. Really, every business, no matter how small, MUST have a recognisable brand. (Yours probably does; you may not just know it does.) Now, before we go any…

  • Top 3 Proven Headlines to Boost Sales « MarketingMoment

    At any given point in time, there are a number of major ‘conversations’ going on inside the minds of your prospective customers. This is partly down to the increasing demands on our time and attention… What’s more, your target market will only be aware of a small portion of this inner talk. As well as…

  • Does Spelling Matter? « MarketingMoment

    Wotz ron with the English langwage these days? Kwite alot, according to a leading academic expert. Teaching correct spelling is a waste of time, and the apostrophe should be scrapped, says John Wells, an Emeritus Professor of Phonetics at University College London and president of the Spelling Society. “Let’s stop worrying if people sometimes spell…

  • Give Your Website Visitors What they REALLY Want

    According to a study by Forrester Research, the top three elements visitors look for in websites are (in no particular order): High-quality information useful, relevant content is the biggest influence on a visitor’s decision to return to any given website. Ease of use your site’s architecture should be simple, accessible and intuitive. Quick to load…

  • Top 3 Proven Headlines to Boost Sales

    MarketingMoment For When You Need New Business –– And Fast! The 3-Minute Marketing Plan » Top 3 Proven Headlines to Boost Sales At any given point in time, there are a number of major ‘conversations’ going on inside the heads of your prospective customers. This is partly down to the increasing demands on our time…

  • Eco-Friendly Funding for SMEs

    Entries are open for the 2008 CIP Eco-Innovation fund, which has a total of £22/€28 million in grants available for innovative, environmental-friendly projects in the areas of materials recycling, sustainable buildings, food and drink, cleaner industrial processes, green business and smart purchasing. The fund is open to all legal persons based in the eligible countries,…

  • The 3-Minute Marketing Plan

    Without a marketing plan, your business will meander along the ‘hit and miss’ path. For you will tend to set no specific goals, and therefore not really progress. Your budget, time and other resources allocation will be either non-existent or haphazard at best. And generally you will intentionally or not let things slide. But all…

  • Business Card MasterClass

    Picture by ‘bargainmoose’, ‘MOO’ and ‘FRINGEy’ via Flickr I ventured outdoors to a networking function the other day (being a writer, Im afraid I live up to that semi-reclusive stereotype. Oh, heck, lets just say Im more comfortable liaising via the written word than face to face, where I often fall flat on my face.…

  • 27 March 2023

      If you really want your business to be as successful as it can be — to thrive and not just survive… If you really want to make the most of the investment you’ve made in it, then you have to continually find ways to offer your customers unique advantages they can’t get elsewhere. Continue…

  • How to Move Your Prospects Beyond Wanting to Buying « MarketingMoment

    Picture by ‘Jonathan Werner’ via flickr When you reach for that bag/chocolate bar/golf club you’re not thinking of buying it because of any practical, rational thought. Rather, your ‘want’ comes from the feeling that the object gives you. Same with your prospective customers. So use your words to let your prospects experience the joy of…