Business Card MasterClass

Picture by ‘bargainmoose’, ‘MOO’ and ‘FRINGEy’ via Flickr

I ventured outdoors to a networking function the other day (being a writer, Im afraid I live up to that semi-reclusive stereotype. Oh, heck, lets just say Im more comfortable liaising via the written word than face to face, where I often fall flat on my face. Or it feels like it!), and was given a number of business cards to take home with me.

Without naming any names, I noticed that several werent being used to their full potential. Worse, one had a typo on it.

So, here allow me to present a few tips on producing a business card that youd be proud of — and that would do you proud:

  1. Include all the important details. For example, your name and/or business name, address, phone number, fax number, email address and website URL.
  2. Make someone really connected by handwriting your direct telephone line or email address before you pass on your card.
  3. If your company has employees, make sure everyone has their own stack of business cards. The more cards there are to give out the better; it will make your employees feel valued and help to spread the word bout your business.
  4. Place your cards on bulletin boards at local libraries, schools and restaurants to obtain maximum coverage for your business in your area. Might be worthwhile seeking permission first. 🙂
  5. Think about creating magnetic business cards — which are becoming popular, but still underused enough to be a novelty. Your clients/customers can put them on places where they will be visible for many years. They could give you the edge of your competitors.
  6. Make sure you proofread your card before it goes to the printers — and, if possible, as a page proof before it gets printed.

Source: Start Your Business magazine, issue 17